Thursday, September 6, 2007

Confession #11

I have to find a really amazing D.P. and mate with him for life.

I enjoy writing films. I enjoy envisioning camera shots. I enjoy actors. I enjoy editing. I do not enjoy lighting.

I mean, I want to enjoy it. It really is a fascinating art of its own I think. I can grasp the basic concepts of it. But once you have to start relating it to the camera and numbers become involved I totally lose it. I can read my light meter, but I don't know have a clue how to put what I read into use.

I guess that's why I'm in film school.

My professor tries a little too hard to make sure we understand. Which is good that she really cares. But she can belabor the point until we can't listen anymore and our brains shut off to everything else. Or mine does. The others seem to get it okay.

Technology is just not my thing.

So I have to find someone whose thing it is.

And form a lifelong creative bond that never dies.