Monday, June 18, 2007

Confessions #5 & #6

I am a comment whore. I desperately want to know if people are reading this so please leave comments if you do. You can tell me I'm a retard if you want. That's cool. My blog map is showing signs of life out there far from people I know so speak up! I don't bite. No need to lurk.

Also, I feel the need to warn anyone reading that I often make spelling and grammatical errors in posts. I am not a retard. (But you can still call me one, see above.) I just type REALLY fast, as fast as my brain thinks. My fingers make mistakes I don't catch a lot of the time. And I'm not a good spell checker. So really I'm a very smart guy with great spelling, just my fingers spiral out of control when I'm into writing something.

This concludes this PSA.

Confession #4

Its probably time to give a little explanation for the whole I <3 Titanic thing.

Titanic was the movie that made me want to make movies.

I used to insist to people that it made me want to make movies because I was a Titanic buff, and I knew I could have made a better Titanic movie than that.

Which is partly true. In the year or so following the release of Cameron's film, I wrote a 400+ page novel on the subject. While I did most of the actual writing, key story points were provided by my 11 yr old cousin. It was pretty impressive given our ages. I mean, if you don't count the unknowing bits of plagiarism, the naive handling of romance, and the illustrations we made in Windows Paint and inserted into our manuscript. But my parents got it into the hands of a local children's book author who assured me that I was quite talented. Someday when people trust me with billions of dollars, I will dust it off and prove Cameron's isn't the definitive take on the subject.

But that isn't really why Titanic is the film that made me want to make movies. Its not because I was wowed by the special effects. Its not because I was swept off my feet by the love story. Its because "Titanic" left me feeling things I didn't understand. I had been saddened by movies as a child, of course. Who didn't cry during Where the Red Fern Grows? But this was something new.

I saw it with the aforementioned 11 yr old cousin who had already seen it once, and who had to convince my Southern parents for me that the nudity was all in good taste. I was 14, lol. After the movie, we spent that night at our grandparent's house. We gushed and gushed over all the cool parts. We laughed about the way Jack's frozen body sinks into the ocean. We couldn't stop going 'Oh!' and tossing imaginary Hearts of the Ocean over the side of our hide-a-bed.

Later that night, after he had fallen asleep, I laid in bed for what seemed like hours at the time listening to my Titanic soundtrack. It stirred something in me. Some of the lyrics of the song are quite moving if you read them instead of hear Celine Dion screech them at you while she pounds her chest like an enraged ape. I can't say it was really about love. I was still a little too young to be the romantic that I am now. I wouldn't really care much about girls for another 18 months or so when The Phantom Menace introduced me to a certain Miss Portman.

Its hard to say now for sure what it was that kept me up that night. I don't want to rewrite history for the sake of a good blog post. But what I remember is for the first time feeling SOMETHING so strongly that it effected my entire being. I felt like I was going to choke on this lump in my chest every time I thought too hard about what I had just seen. Not so much Jack and Rose, but the rest of the story. The real people. It was the hints of reality weaved around the Hollywood love story that haunted me that night. The heroism. The chivalry. The sacrifice. The terror. It had all really happened. Somewhere out there that ship was really lying in the black depths of the sea. It boggled my mind. It tore my heart up. I suddenly had bile rising in my throat.

That wasn't the moment when I knew I wanted to be a filmmaker. It was a slower realization, but ultimately born out of that moment when I felt something so damn strong that I tasted vomit. I had thought before this that I wanted to be a writer, but now I wanted to tell my own Titanic tale. It became my obsession. My cousin's too. It was the focus of our every moment spent together. And we spent a lot of time together back then. There was nothing we couldn't tell you about the real Titanic. Our parents became concerned. (Though now they should be grateful our morbid obsession did not express itself through eyeliner, spiked collars, and girl pants.) But as slaved over what we thought would be our magnum opus (not that we knew what one was, lol), we became concerned when we realized that publishing this masterpiece would mean that someone could buy the movie rights. My cousin - having read the novel of Jurassic Park (Yes, before age 11. Not all kids need Harry Potter to learn to love books.) - knew they would surely butcher our art. Lol, as if anyone back then would have been remotely interested in another Titanic movie. That was when we realized the only way to keep our work safe was to become filmmakers.

I could bore you with all the details of our growing interest in film, but they're so boring I don't remember them myself. As we matured our styles and tastes in film diverged, but our dreams remained steady. We'll both be going to film school this fall; me returning to my small film program at a regular college, him to a large rather respected film school in Florida. We're not the inseperable duo that we once were, but we'll always have Titanic.

And that brings me the two things that Titanic showed me that are my main reasons for my grown up dream remaining basically the same as my 14 yr old one. The first is that realization that a movie can move someone so much that they want to puke. That is the kind of movies I want to make. That is THE most important reason for making a film to me. To make someone - anyone - even just one person - feel something as powerful as I felt that night... that's my ultimate goal in writing and filmmaking.

The second reason I only recently figured out looking back at my teenage years and what my cousin and I shared those years post-Titanic. Two little dorks in queer Jack and Rose t-shirts with matching Titanic hats lugging backpacks full of Titanic books to our small private Christian school, pouring over them at the end of the lunch table while all the other kids talked about how weird we were. It was us against the world, chasing our common dream even if we never made another friend in the world. Watching Titanic together that night (and way too many times after) was the beginning of an era that lasted until I left for college the first time. We're still friends, but its not like that anymore. Those were the magic years.

And that... that is what movies can do. What I love maybe most about movies. The shared memories. The fact that you can push play on your DVD player and not only can you be taken to another place and time through the action onscreen, but you can be taken to another place and time in your very own life. Now that I'm older, I have lot of these movie memories, many of them my most treasured memories of all. Good or bad, watching a movie instantly take me back to the first time I saw it. From that night with my cousin at Titanic to the moment The Fountain rolled credits and my girlfriend and I sat in akward silence, each of us afraid the other one had understood it, only to realize in a glorious moment I'll never forget, that neither of us understood the significance of bald Hugh Jackman floating through space. And we still don't. And no matter what else in life we may disagree on, we will always be able to sing, "Then I said, 'What about The Fountain?' And she said, 'I think I remember the film.' And I said, "As I recall, we both kinda fuckin' hated it...."

Yes, that's what movies are for. That's why I love them. That's why my soul feels like it will just die if I don't get to make them.

And it all started with Titanic. It may not be cool, but its mine. So that's why I proudly declare on this blog that I heart Titanic.

Confession #3

Why did I pick movies?

The internet told me too.

You Should Be a Film Writer

You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind.
You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life.
Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling.
And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen!

God. You have no idea how hard it was to sign up for fall classes when I was searching for film writing courses.

Confession #2

I find that blogging is an excellent way to fulfull my incessant urge to write without actually accomplishing anything of any real purpose or merit. I waste so much time staring at this blank screen instead of the blank screen of Final Draft. But I console myself with the technicality that they are, in fact, the same screen.

I like the immediacy of blogging. Writing anything else comes with the opposite of instant gratification. Except possibly internet news articles that spring on to the web moments after Paris gets out of jail or Anna Nicole Smith dies, but somehow I wonder if the people who get stuck writing those stories feel very gratified at all. Anyway, my point is that it sucks to spend four hours are crafting some beautiful action lines and dialogue, but find yourself with no one to show it too. And then inevitably you read it a few days later and think, "I am a hack. That is terrible. I wish I were dead. Where are my girl pants? I need to scream."

So instead I send my thoughts out into the blogosphere. Or scribosphere as I believe these writing-bent blogs are called. I love that as technology progresses we have to keep making up more and more nonsense words to make sense of things. Its like the entire nation has started talking like the character of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

The interesting thing, however, is that its really just a false sense of gratification. By the time I garner enough readers to actually recieve true gratification, I will probably have had enough time to write like 12 screenplays. But I let the internet have its way with me. It can lull me into a false sense of gratification if it wants to. Anything to avoid actually bleeding my soul onto a computer screen in a way that might garner me the praise and adoration of my girlfriend. (Because I have this little problem of being too shy too show it to anyone else.)

Personal note: When I refer to my girlfriend, what I really mean to say is the-girl-I've-loved-for-all-my-life-but-who-breaks-up-with-me-three-times-a-year-to-find-herself. You can't be a writer without one. I feel very strongly about this. However, she clearly is my girlfriend so I'm only telling you this useless bit of personal info because otherwise she - the only person actually reading this so far - will eventually get freaked out by my constant referall to her as my girlfriend and somehow manage to break up with me while we are already in a supposed state of broken up-ness. So please. Anyone out there who might read this please do not assume from the use of the simple term girlfriend that I do actually have a girlfriend. Just the fact that you, dear stranger, think this could set her off and ruin my life. *shrugs* She's an actress.

Back to the point.... Ok, no, I think I'm done actually. I might should mention that I'm not so great at making cohesive posts. I start out with a good point I think and then towards the end I just kind of meander off and forget what I was talking about and realized I need to pee so I stop.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Confession #1

Technically, I'm not a film student yet.

I was at one point in time. Then I took a three year break, which we refer to as "Gaining Valuable Life Experience" rather than "Wasting Three Precious Years of Being Young and Beautiful Nearly Starving to Death."

But starting this fall, I will be a film student for another two years.

So perhaps, saying that my first confession is that I am in between film studies is probably a bit of a dud. You were hoping for something more like "I have three penises and I use one of them to run the camera, one of them to hold the boom, and one of them to fuck my leading lady." All of which is true, but hardly worth mentioning on a serious blog such as this.

This is not my first blog so hopefully there won't be any first blog awkwardness. I have another blog on which I make emo posts about toast and stuff like that. But ever the screenwriter, I like my blogs to have a consistent tone. So using one blog to write about my tortured soul AND my profound thoughts on filmmaking just seemed like a bad idea. Besides, only like 10 people read my personal blog, and I want like 1,000,000,000 people to read this one so even if I never sell or independently shoot one of my screenplays, my perverse writerly desire to express myself will be fulfilled by writing about how I am not getting paid for it to be fulfilled.

And that, dear readers who don't exist yet, is the point of this new blog.

Ok, no, not really. The point is that I've wanted to make movies for 10 years, but I'm not one of those dudes who never bathes and works at a video store and borrows money from mom and dad to pay rent because he spends all his waking hours watching movies. I don't have a witty film reference for every life situation. In most case, if you ask me if I've seen (Insert Movie Title Here) my answer will probably be no. I'm really not that well-versed in film history and I have little to no use for film theory. I hate Hollywood for never making anything original these days, and I hate emo Indie kids who write stuff so shitty and sad and well, emo, that no one but themselves and a few other guys wearing girl pants can get it.

I like movies that make you feel, not think. Its fine if they make you think, but they should make you think about what you're feeling. Thinking for thinking's sake is generally the best way to become overbearingly pretentious fast. I'm not into the Hollywood machine these days because so much of what it churns out is just a sequel or a remake or a lame ripoff of something else. Its too watered down by test screenings to really make you feel anything. But I respect the Hollywood of yesteryear, both the old classics and the modern classics because they made huge movies that made lots of money AND made you feel something - whatever that might be - strongly. And I respect the indie world (the REAL indies, not the faux indies we largely have today) for having strong unique visions and getting them done on their own even I don't really relate to a lot of that stuff.

That's why my goal is to walk the line. I want to make movies like the old Hollywood, movies that kids and adults can both enjoy and understand and not have to think too hard just to figure out what it was about. I want them to leave FEELING something, not pondering it to death. I don't care what they feel, as long as they feel it as strongly as I feel it during those movie moments that left me breathless and knowing that I had to be able to do THAT for the rest of my life. But I want to do it on my own. I don't want anyone watering down my vision or telling me I need more tits and violence to get the teenage boys in the seats. Teenage boys borrow money from their parents who half the time don't have a thing to go see at the movies because it was written for their moron sons. Not that I want to make movies for old people. But I want that old Hollywood way of making something fresh and original that the whole family can enjoy and take something away from. And you can't make those movies in or out of Hollywood anymore.

So I'll have to do it myself.