Sunday, August 26, 2007

Confession #10

School started Thursday.

I have to turn in a 5 to 10 page short script on Tuesday.

So, of course, I'm blogging instead of working on it.

In the intervening years since the beginning of me education saga, the film program has improved quite a bit.

Leaving me rather rusty and out of synch.

A lot of the classes are structured in a way that my advisor didn't warn me of. Most people write their scripts for my film class in a different class they took the previous semester. Thanks. So now my professor says "Can you have a script by Tuesday?" So, of course, I say yes.

I have a few ideas. Ideas that are way better than the other crappy ideas my classmates pitched and that I dread having to work on.

I don't mean to sound vain. I know my idea will undoubtedly be crappy too. They're student films. That's what we do.

But really, kids. You can get an A without including a suicide in your script. I mean I hope you can. Because I know my script won't have a suicide and it would suck if the professor only gives As to suicide stories. But you never know.

Maybe I should write a suicide script as a backup if she doesn't like the one I turn in.

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